Family Names Denoting Lebanese Towns (9)
Saghbini (Al-Saghbini): 870 members
This family is named after Saghbine, a town located in the Western Beqa’a Qada’a, 70 km from Beirut, at an altitude of 1150 m above the sea level. Saghbine hosts around 6000 people, the majority of which are Maronite (60%). Other members of its population belong to the Greek Catholic community (35%), with a minority of Greek Orthodox and evangelicals (5%).
The Saghbinis are distributed by sect and region as follows:
- Tibeh, Baalbeck: 108 members
- Ashrafieh: 65
- Terbel, Zahle: 380
- Deir el-Qamar: 8
- Hazmieh: 17
- Saifi, Beirut: 4
- Hadath: 15
- Jdita: 15
- Mansourieh: 8
Greek Catholic
- Jensneya, Jezzine: 35
- Al-Mieh w Mieh, Saida: 25
- Breeh, Chouf: 35
- Kfarnabrakh, Chouf: 10
- Mhaydtheh, Rashaya: 20
Yashou’i (Al-Yashou’i): 321 members
This family name is inspired from the town of Mazraat Yashouh in the Mayn Qada’a, which is situated 15 km from Beirut, at an altitude of 350 m above the sea level, with a predominantly Maronite population (90%) and Armenian and Greek Catholic minorities. Mazraat Yashouh is home to 2300 people.
The Yashou’is are distributed by sect and region as follows:
Syrian Orthodox
- Hawsh al-Oumara, Hay el-Sayde, Sayidat al-Najat (Zahle): 123
- Msaytbeh: 48
- Antelias: 10
- Sidd el-Boauchrieh: 11
- Dar el-Mreisseh: 15
Syrian Catholic
- Ashrafieh: 4
- Maronite
- Mazraat Yashouh: 12
- Jal el-Dib: 21
Shikhani (Al-Shikhani): 833 members
This family name is derived from the town of Shikhan, which is situated in the Qada’a of Jbeil, 45 km from Beirut, at an altitude of 250 m above the sea level, with a Greek Orthodox majority and a Maronite minority. Shikhan is home to 380 people.
The Shikhanis are distributed by sect and region as follows:
- Abrin, Batroun: 35 members
- Batroun: 40
- Ashrafieh: 18
- Bqesmaya: 30
Greek Catholic
- Amshit: 10
- Ashrafieh: 5
- Burj Hammoud: 30
- Bekfaya: 110
- Naqash: 8
- Amarat Shalhoub: 25
- Rasiyat at-Tahta/al-Fawqa, Zahle: 40
Greek Orthodox
- Batroumin, Koura: 52 members
- Shikhan: 65
- Qalhat, Koura: 26
- Bechmezzine: 40
- Bdebba, Koura: 66
- Deddeh: 47
- Latin Catholic
- Batroun: 18
- Saadnayel, Zahle: 15
- Majdal Anjar: 20
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