303 exchange institutions in Lebanon

303 exchange institutions in Lebanon

Exchange institutions in Lebanon play a fundamental role in exchanging Lebanese pound and foreign currencies, as well as in transferring money from and to Lebanon. Due to this financial flow, the number of exchange institutions licensed by BDL has reached 303.

Types of exchange institutions

Licensed exchange institutions fall into two categories:

Category A-It includes 46 institutions that are entitled to ship money from abroad (8 institutions), transfer funds using to the Hawala System (19 institutions) or transfer cash money by electronic means (two institutions). The total capital of these institutions is LBP 73.7 billion, distributed as follows:

- 8 institutions, the capital of each is LBP 5 billion (which are entitled to ship money)

- 5 institutions, the capital of each is LBP 1.5 billion

- 1 institution, with a capital of LBP 2.250 billion

 -32 institutions, the capital of each is LBP 750 million

Category B - It includes 257 institutions with a total capital of LBP 68.5 billion, distributed as follows:

- 1 institution with a capital of LBP 750 million

- 17 institutions, the capital of each is LBP 500 million

- 1 institution with a capital of LBP 315 million

- 234 institutions, the capital of each is LBP 250 million

- 4 institutions, the capital of each is LPB 100 million

Geographical distribution

Exchange institutions are distributed throughout Lebanon. As shown in the following table, the largest number is in Chtoura (34 institutions), followed by Hamra (30 institutions) and Majdal Anjar (13 institutions), i.e. there are 47 exchange institutions on the international road near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

A table showing the distribution of exchange institutions throughout Lebanon.

Source: BDL-List of licensed exchange institutions.

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