Suicide of Lebanon’s Sects - Naturalized persons by sect:  Few are “Maronite” or “Druze”

Suicide of Lebanon’s Sects

Naturalized persons by sect:

Few are “Maronite” or “Druze”

The enactment of Naturalization Decree No. 5247, dated June 20, 1994, has granted Lebanese nationality to 202,527 persons, distributed among the legally recognized Lebanese sects. Despite their large numbers, the Maronite and Druze sects received the lowest share relative to their population. 2,725 Maronites and 4,337 Druze have been granted Lebanese nationality, while the highest share was among Sunni Muslims, numbering 118,295 persons, i.e. 58.5% of the total naturalized population.

- Sunni: 118,295

- Shia‘a: 28,425

- Alawite: 7,954

- Druze: 4,337

Muslim total: 159,011

- Greek Orthodox: 10,736

- Armenian Orthodox: 9,977

- Greek Catholic: 6,617

- Syriac Orthodox: 5,568

- Maronite: 2,725

- Armenian Catholic: 2,526

- Syriac Catholic: 1,313

- Chaldean: 1,141

- Latin: 1,135

- Protestant: 535

- Other Christians: 1,243

Christian total: 43,516


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