17 Years since the Establishment of Elissar : Incomplete mission and ongoing expenses


Preventing all construction ventures in the south-western suburbs of Beirut by virtue of Decree No. 6864 dated June 10, 1995 constituted the first move undertaken by the government. Decree No. 6913 followed on June 28, 1995 and stipulated the endorsement of the master plan organizing and governing the use of property in the southern suburb of Beirut.

Elissar came to light by virtue of Decree No. 6918 dated June 29, 1995 and Decree No. 9043 dated August 30, 1996.

According to the Decree, Elissar is a public entity in charge of organizing the south-western suburbs of Beirut. It enjoys moral personality and financial and administrative autonomy and falls under the posterior supervision of the Audit Court. Elissar is responsible for organizing and arranging the south-western suburbs of Beirut in alignment with Decree No. 6913 and is subjected to the administrative authority of the Prime Minister.

Scope of work

Decree No. 10231 dated May 9, 1997 gave Elissar authority to act in the area falling within the following borders:

  • Northern border: the edges of administrative Beirut, Adnan Hakim Street, Suleiman Boustany Street and Jalloul Street (also known as the Monoprix zone)
  • Eastern border: Airport Boulevard
  • Western border: Mediterranean
  • Southern border: Beirut International Airport, Cocodi Roundabout.

The total area that Elissar is responsible for is estimated at 5.8 million m2, including the areas to be reclaimed to the west of the Ouzaee Road.


A board of directors consisting of 11 members is tasked of managing Elissar. The members are appointed by a decree for a term lasting three years. The president of the board serves as Director General of Elissar. Similar to the common norm in all the public bodies and administrations, the appointments in Elissar are determined on the basis of sectarian quotas; the president or Director General is Maronite while the board includes 2 Shia’a members, 1 Maronite, 1 Druze, 1 Sunni, 1 Greek Catholic and 1 Evangelical member. Not one decree has been issued since the inception of Elissar to govern the institution and its personnel.


Since its establishment in 1995 until 2011, Elissar has been given around LBP 184 billion through the public budget allocations, the advance payments or the transfers from the budget reserves. Part of its budget was devoted to cover administrative expenses while other funds were destined to cover the evacuation operations, which, for the most part, were subjected to political considerations, noting that some occupants have received substantial compensation that exceeded by far the ceiling set by the rules and regulations.

The following table illustrates these expenses:

No. and date of Decree

Amount (LBP billion)


7259→ September 19, 1995


Covering various expenses

7877→ January 26, 1996


Covering various expenses

8007→ March 2, 1996


Covering various expenses

8888→ July 29, 1996


Paying evacuation expenses for occupants

9165→ September 17, 1996


Paying evacuation expenses for occupants

10167→ April 26, 1997


Fees for studies and charges of the appropriation committee

1956→December 23, 1999


(transferred from budget reserves)

Covering various expenses

2930→ May 12, 2000


(transferred from budget reserves)

Covering various expenses

3078→ May 26, 2000

364.7 million

(transferred from budget reserves)

Paying expenses for the evacuation of estates in Ouzai and Cocodille

3498→ July 24, 2000


(transferred from budget reserves)

Covering various expenses

4847→ February 8, 2001

794.7 million

(transferred from budget reserves)

Covering miscellaneous and evacuation expenses

5982→ July 30, 2001


Expenses for the evacuation of the region surrounding the western runway of the airport

2001 public budget


Salaries and evacuation expenses

2002 public budget



2003 public budget



2004 public budget

300 million


2005 public budget



2006 public budget



2007 public budget



2008 public budget



2009 public budget



2010 public budget



2011 public budget



2012 public budget






Source: Drfat budget laws

The main purpose behind Elissar was to organize the south-western suburbs of Beirut. However, the institution has proved incapable of putting this vision into action and its lifespan achievements were restricted to a number of evacuations that could have been processed by the Central Fund for the Displaced. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to reconsider all the plans that have been designed previously in light of the current developments. Elissar has spent around LBP 184 billion for projects that never materialized, and it continues spending today on paychecks and administrative costs with no positive results looming in horizon. 

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