Lebanon’s University student enrollment (2004-2012)-Public vs. Private LU: +6000 - LIU: +14000
A number of these newly accredited universities were capable of rivaling older and more prestigious universities, recording higher enrollment rates and leaving their counterparts with either significant decline or meager growth in their student population. The established universities argued that their plan was to maintain quality education rather than have an overflow of students.
Central to the decline of enrollment rates in prestigious, established universities was the stark increase in tuition fees.
According to Table 1, the following facts may be inferred:
- The number of university students rose by 45.1%, i.e. 59,877 students, between 2004 and 2012. The highest percentage of increase was registered at the Al-Manar University at 1219%, followed by the Sidon University College at 1184%, then Al-Kafaat University at 948%.
- In terms of numbers though, the Lebanese International University ranked first with its student population growing from 2131 to 16,721, i.e. by 14,590 students. The Arts, Sciences and Technology University (AUL) registered an increase by 3842 students, followed by the American University of Culture and Education at 3779 and by the Islamic University of Lebanon and the University of Balamand at 3095 and 2218 students respectively.
- The Lebanese University student population grew between 2004 and 2012 by 6889 students or 10.3%, a percentage lower than that recorded in the total numbers of higher education students.
- The percent of increase was limited to 18.2% at the American University of Beirut and 7.1% at the Université Saint Joseph. It registered 42% at the Lebanese American University. Most striking is that between 2011 and 2012, an increase of only 1% and 1.6% was seen at the AUB and the USJ respectively. At LAU, it was 6.1% during the same period.

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