Maya Nahoul - How to Cook with no risk!
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Most families, because of the fast working environment we live in, try to prepare food ahead of time for the week or make big portions so that they last longer. This technique is correct as long as you watch out for bacterias, know how to prepare food and store your prepared food in the freezer and not in the fridge. 
These are some quick and easy to remember tips while cooking. Try them as they will do you good:
1-  Wash hands and work tools often: disinfect work surface, sponges and tools and wash at a temperature of at least 63 degree Celsius.
2-  Avoid cross-contamination: Separate food - place food  away from each other to prevent their juices from mixing - in cooking, use different boards for fresh produce; raw meat, eggs, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables, bread and already prepared food to eat. 
3-  Keep the temperature before, during and after the cooking: to prevent yourself from the hazard zone (zone where bacteria multiply rapidly and can cause serious food poisoning - this can happen 2 hours after the food is left in a temperature of 18 and 60 degree celcius. A temperature of 64 degree C and above is considered as reasonable and sound).
4 - Stir your food: using the microwave, remember to stir the dish to ensure it is evenly hot (or the bacteria can survive). 
5 - Think about the refrigerator: never keep fresh food or dishes at room temperature for more than 2 hours in winter and for over an hour in the summer when the temperature can exceed plus 32 degree celcius. 
6- Thawing food: when thawing food outside the fridge, the bacteria can multiply and increase. Instead, thaw safely in the refrigerator by placing a tray underneath to prevent the juices from leaking into the refrigerator. 
Another method is to defrost the food in cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes 
And if you are in a hurry, utilise the microwave .
Be careful in all cases, food must be cooked without delay!
7 - Do not reheat a dish for more than two times and never refreeze thawed food, that’s when bacteria and micro-organisms multiply and can cause food poisoning.
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