Maya Nahoul - Exotic Fruits
Passion Fruit
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This tropical fruit is a rich source of potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains high levels of vitamins A and C. With only 16 calories per passion fruit, every four passion fruits are equivalent to one unit of fruit. Vitamin A and anti-oxidants protects from premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.
Star Fruit/ Carambola
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Star Fruit, also known as Carambola, provides large quantities of Vitamin C and fibers, thus preventing constipation and cholesterol. The entire star fruit is edible and one can eat it without having to peel it off depending on one’s preference. The oxalic acid concentrated in the fruit may lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hence, star fruit is not recommended for people predisposed to form kidney stones or those who have undergone an operation to remove kidney stones. Star fruit is a low-calorie fruit containing only 40 calories.
Each mango possesses an average of 110 calories, depending on its size. Mangoes are highly rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium and fibers. Potassium is a fundamental mineral for cells and helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Mangoes contain high levels of copper, which increases red blood cell production, thus preventing hair loss and paleness of the skin.
Custard Apple
Every 100 grams of custard apple contain 74 calories. The fruit is a storehouse for Vitamin C, which increases the body’s iron absorption and protects it from colds and flu. Custard apple contains magnesium, which plays a vital role in relaxing muscles and nerves and facilitating sleep. Several studies have proved the fruit’s ability to treat twelve malign kinds of cancer such as ovarian cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer, etc. Research has also shown that custard apple is ten thousand times stronger in killing the cancerous colon cells than Adriamycin, let alone its power in treating cancer without harming the healthy cells like chemical drugs do.
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Custard Apple
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A medium-sized papaya contains 118 calories. It is rich in Vitamins A and C, potassium and folic acid, which is vital for pregnant women. It also contains the papain enzyme, which contributes to the digestion of foods, meat and fish in particular, thus preventing constipation and reducing inflammations of the colon. Papaya is excellent for skin. It treats acne and purifies the skin and may be used as an effective facial mask. The papin enzyme removes dead skin, revives cells and gives a natural glow to the skin. ![](
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