American Cultural Annihilation - Munir Akash
This is how Professor Munir Akash, Master Lecturer of Humanities and Modern Languages at Suffolk University, Boston, starts his book American Cultural Annihilation: The English Curse of Canaan, which was published in its 1st edition in 2009 by Riad Ar-Rayyes Publishing House, to document in its 300 pages the brutality of the British colonial practices aimed at purging the New World of its natives and exterminating tens of millions of people.
The book unravels the superiority that stamped the policies and views of the British throughout history, as they have held firmly to the belief that they are God’s Chosen People and that God himself is British. Thus, their empire rested on the premise of human sacrifice, in every horrible sense of the word, in order to wipe all submissive cultures off the map, sometimes with the use of atrocious means like slaughter, scalping and deaths caused by smallpox and cholera.
Akash elaborates on how schools were established with the aim of effacing the cultural identity of the native Indians and creating substitutes who had resigned to the new status quo. He also sets forth a number of testimonies by Native American children who were isolated from their families by force and were ridden of all that they had, including their names, and which were converted to Christian English names.
This is the legacy that the British have been passing on to successive generations thus validating the stain of arrogance glued to them. Akash describes the British as a “godly executioner” that practices self-worship and sanctions crime, in order to extend civilization using tyrannical standards and values. Citing the Old Testament, he points out that God commanded Yoshua to commit genocide against the Canaanites, who were not any different from today’s Indians, and later punished him for disobeying his command.
In his book, Akash provides an eye-opener to what we should expect from the idea of America, slamming the immoral cultural discourse of the English Protestant Church extending from London to Washington. Arab readers will be taken aback by the genocides committed by prominent American presidents hailed mistakenly as humane such as Abraham Lincoln who executed 37 Indian tribal chiefs, and George Washington and many other American leaders who were also involved in sanctioning atrocities. He also draws daggers at authors, particularly Mark Twain who insisted on annihilating Red Indians or telling them to adopt non-Indian identity.
Although not discussed in detail, the economic factor that played out during the invasions was also highlighted, as English settlers came to the New World in search for gold and silver.
As he delves into books and documentation to find answers to the human concerns burdening his mind, Akash ends up inferring that the fate that befell the Native Americans is similar to what the Arabs are suffering today. Planting Israel at the heart of our world is no coincidence, but rather a preparation for another Canaanization.
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