آخر الأخبار

Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan Qonunchilik Palatasi
​Voting Age
The legal age for voting in Uzbekistan is 18.
Number of MPs
The lower house consists of 150 MPs, 135 elected in electoral constituencies and 15 representing the ecological movement.
Term of office
Parliament is elected to five years in office.
Voting system
Uzbekistan adopts a multiparty system based on plurality in 15 electoral constituencies. Every voter has one vote and a minimum 33% of the electorate in each constituency must turn up at the polls for the elections to be valid. The candidate with absolute majority (half plus one of the valid votes) wins in the first round. Otherwise, a second runoff between the two top candidates is conducted and the candidate with the highest votes wins. 
Election results
The most recent parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan took place on December 21, 2014. Registered voters totaled 20.8 million of which 18.5 million exercised their voting right, bringing voter turnout up to 89%.
535 candidates from four parties, all supporting Uzbekistan’s President, Islam Karimov, contested the elections. It is noteworthy that the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is elected by the people for a 5-year term. Karimov has been in his post since 1990.
The results broke down as follows:
    Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party: 52 seats
    Uzbekistan National Revival Democratic Party: 36 seats
    People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan: 27 seats
    Justice Social Democratic Party: 20 seats
    Ecological Movement: 15 seats 

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